Jamie Pelaez and Larry Rivera Get Candid About Empower Network

road map to success earl nightingdale quote

My partner in crime err I mean business partner… 😉 Larry Rivera and I made the video below to share with you about a company… No… A movement that has been causing controversy for years now, called Empower Network. That may or may not be

How Team Inspire is Grooming the Next Generation for Success

Today, I want to share with you how I seen changes in my daughter Jaya and many other children because of what we do here at Empower Network and Team Inspire. In a world that is drowning out creativity and teaching us to be drones… I am so blessed to be working with a company […]

Larry Rivera’s 90 Day Blogging Challenge

  Life has been crazy, blessed, insane and wonderful all rolled into one lately. Since my last post back in October, I have changed locations 2x (following YaHuWaH’s will), seen and experienced things I could have never imagined and learned some amazing life lessons (thank you Father). All which will make up several posts in […]