Need Your Feedback: Help I Am Stuck In A Creative Rut

Tomorrow, I am going to start on a project that I have procrastinated on way too long. Not because I wanted to be doing so, but because I am seriously stuck in a creative rut! I have no idea what to do for my own custom branded blog/site/logo.

I have no issues whipping up custom blogs, logos, capture pages, etc. that fit my clients & their products just right; reading them like I have known them all my life… But for me, I am stuck & have been stuck for literally two years! I cannot even figure out what color combo I want to use. Why is this???

To My Angel Born Asleep, My Dear Ayden

Today marks a very sad day for us, well really the 5th and the 6th of October as we went to the hospital on October 5th 2005 to find out our baby boy was dead. He was born stillborn on the 6th. It was and still is the hardest thing I have ever been through and still effects me deeply even 5 years later.

No Air Freshener, Candle or Incense Can Beat Fresh Air

For the past several nights in Benson, NC it got down to a low enough temperature that I could FINALLY open up the windows and turn off the A/C while we slept. Both mornings I arose to a house that smelled absolutely DIVINE and refreshing! I rarely buy air fresheners as there are only a few I can find that are all natural and not toxic in an aisle of toxic substances that most people are gladly inhaling…